Floating Wetlands
Phytotechnology is the use of science and engineering that contributes to the goals of sustainability by the use of plants
to improve water, soil and air quality, reduce energy use, or restore degraded ecosystems.
Plants can be used to solve environmental problems like purifying air, water and soil, controlling erosion and run-off, and helping to remediate degraded sites. The use of floating wetland plants is referred to as phytotechnology.
Phytotechnology is being used more and more and offer alternatives to conventional engineering approaches.
Valued for their low investment costs, high success rates, they provide economic environmental solutions.
Beemats Floating Wetlands
As the plants on Beemats Floating Treatment Wetlands grow, the bio-available nutrients in the water are taken up by roots and stored in the growing plant tissues. Periodic harvesting of the mature plants prevents the stored nitrogen and phosphorus from entering the water when the plants die and decompose. The drivers of aquatic nutrient removal are actively growing plants.
Our patented floating wetland system optimizes nutrient harvesting through efficient biomass removal and rapid regrowth of established plants.
The floating platforms are constructed of closed cell, crosslinked polyethylene foam. The plants are encased in reusable polypropylene or boidegradable Danimer plastic aerated pots that are locked into the foam mats and allow root development to extend into th ewater column.
Stainless steel grommets, embedded in Permalon plastic create points for anchoring and for fabricating the components into islands.
Plant removal is the key .
Beemats has been conducting experiments for twenty two years to develop a system that provides the benefits of vegetated littorqal shelves without the problems associated with fluctuating water levels.
Our floating wetlands create a shallow water environment on pond urfaces. By suspending the roots in the surface water, we encourage the development of a rich, biodiverse, epiphytic community of microscopic plants and animals that increase the nutrient bioavailability and uptake by the plants.

Biohaven Floating Island
BioHaven® Floating Islands are designed to leverage the natural processes of microbes and plants. These man-made wetlands create a sustainable
ecosystem for better water quality and a diverse habitat for pollinators, wildlife, and fish. The islands are covered with plants that grow roots below the islands. The wetland can be anchored to adjust to changing water levels which makes it ideal for storm water ponds and other bodies of water that rise and fall after rain.
Plants are just part of the story. The island material encourages robust microbial activity. Floating wetlands help manage phosphorus, nitrogen, heavy metals, and total suspended solids (TSS) for cleaner water.
BioHaven® Floating Islands provide a valuable floating island solution for watersheds with many applications such as:
· Storm Water Treatment
· Wetland restoration
· Wildlife habitat
· Improve water quality in lakes and rivers
· New and retrofit for stormwater ponds. Click here to watch video.
· Erosion control and wave dampening
· Fish spawning platforms
· Carbon sequestration
· Wastewater and greywater- lagoons and stabilization ponds
· Aesthetic waterscape
· Algae reduction
Aquatic Aeration Solutions is please to be the distributor for these amazing floating wetland systems.
Contact us for more information and available case studies.